I appreciate the mention, Gourav

I had a similar experience as SDE1 with a production issue. I was using a regex to parse a string, obtain a number, and convert it to double. But I didn't identify all the possible characters in that string (it included underscores 😔)

Then Double.parseDouble("_8") failed on runtime and it reached production since no test caught it before. Of course, no exception handling from my side.

Luckily the framework of the platform handled those exceptions and just omitted my component. But it caused a few Sev-2s and blocked other teams for a while.

Despite being super uncomfortable, writing the postmortem and presenting the lessons learned to my org made me grow and it turned out to be a great opportunity for my future promotion.

Situations just happen. It's up to us to take advantage of whatever we have in front of us

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Thanks Fran!

Human will always do mistake, and that’s fine. That’s how we grow. Appreciate your engagement. I like your content as well, very thoughtful!

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